Thinking of taking my first cycling excursion this weekend. Might as well since the plan is to sign-up for the General Smallwood Tri in September; it might be helpful to practice riding a bike beyond spinning, before the big day...
I decided before I buy any new ridiculously priced bike equipment, I figured I would rent everything just to test the proverbial waters. I telephoned Light Street Cycles in Federal Hill and got pricing on a day rental...$50 and it includes a helmet. Hmph. Yes, it is expensive for one measly day of riding but since I can't commit to anything just yet, and I don't know anyone my size that I could borrow a bike from, I figure this is my best option.
The woman seemed really nice and told me about their "bike fitting process" as well, which happens to be another additional charge. How conveeeeeenient. That's okay though cause if I do buy from them, the fitting price will ultimately go towards the bike purchase. Or I can pay for the fitting and take the measurements she gives me to another shop and buy something used, or try and find something that fits me on ebay, craigslist, etc? Lots of options...not very much money unfortunately.
Sports with limitless equipment options makes preparation difficult. I don't want to take the penny pincher route per say because I would like to do well and I equate doing well with having appropriate equipment; not for instance, riding a beach cruiser instead of a road bike. I don't like over thinking things when it comes to training either. I find flying by the seat of my pants to be the most effective training option because I have no obligations to myself and end up just doing things that are fun! But with multisports, you have to plan everything in order to make time for each discipline! Ahhh! Reminds me of my college days as a heptathlete; lifting/throwing sessions, hurdling/sprinting intervals, jumping drills, tempo runs for the 800. You had to make time for everything! I would never have competed in that event if I had to actually buy all the equipment for it, that's for sure. A Javelin alone can be close to $400! I also don't want to be "that guy" that is a sub par performer but has top of the line gear, so I figure I'll start small and build as I see fit.
B&A Trail is the proposed route for Sunday- from Bmore to Naptown. Approx 16 each way- probably a bit presumptuous of me for my first official ride. I'll take it easy though, just want to say I DID it.
Workout: 7/29
AM 2 mile run with BOMF
PM "recovery" run with Chrissie (60 min)
**recovery for Chrissie, ass kicking for me :)
Workout: 7/30
AM Swim @ Merritt- DAC
400yd warm up
3x (100yd kickboard drills, 300yd swim)
approx 1600yd workout