After approximately 3 months of pool running, swimming, stationary biking, and lifting, I felt strong enough to hit the track for my first interval workout BACK! Success! Ryan had prescribed 3 sets of a gnarly 1200-800-400 ladder, 2 min recovery between intervals and sets. He was kind enough to modify the workout for me since it was my first time back- I ended up doing 2x 800-400-400 with the same recovery.
My goal was to at least run the 800's in 3:00 and the 400's in 80. I thought that was a stretch but I wouldn't be too embarrassed with those kinds of times having had so much time off. After the first 800, I felt surprisingly good...came through with the girls around 2:54? so under my 3:00 goal-phew. The 400's were a breeeeze, which REALLY threw me for a loop. I figured I would have next to NO turnover but ended up feeling really comfortable with a quicker tempo. I went 75, 74 for the 400's in this set.
Following set I sat on the 800 and ran another 2:55. This was a bit harder, telling me that I probably have some more anaerobic work to do, since the things I have been doing have been pretty slow and steady. I came back for the remaining 400's and ran with the boys to try and bring my time down a smidge. First was at 74, second came through the 200 in 35? and finished in 67 and still felt pretty good...except for the nausea that followed. No vomiting though :)
Really surprised and happy with how Tuesday Night at the Track turned out. Perhaps I will make a habit of this if the foot stays in the clear. Only setback is I have around 3 hours to kill from work to track. Sometimes that can lead to napping and subsequently not showing up to the track. I intend to fight the inclination to nap.
Workout: 7/28
AM Swim
400 warm up
3x100 tempo
400 cool down
PM Track workout (5 miles)
2 mile warm up
2x (800-400-400)
1 mile cool down
Civil Rights Museum and Ferguson
8 years ago
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