1500m swim: approx. 40 min *Yeah, I know I am slow.
600m, 400m, 400m, 400m
(40m breath stroke rest btwn. intervals)
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate swimming. I am not a rhythmic breather and find that having to regulate my breathing in between strokes requires more strategy and patience than I am equipped with. I will admit over the last 2-3 weeks, I have improved from only being able to swim 4-6 laps without stopping to a full 20-30 laps. Trust me, it's not graceful but I am getting it done.
Pool running:
30 min moderate pace
Pool running or "aqua jogging" as some like to call it, is sometimes a struggle at the Merritt- DAC. Ideally, pool running would take place in the deep end of a pool (8-12ft). Unfortunately, the whole pool is only 4ft.
I found this link from a running website to be especially helpful as it provides specific pool workouts, other than just...running.
Post-workout nap: approx. 45 min

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