After a morning of torrential rain while cheering on runners at the Baltimore 10 Miler, I mustered just enough energy to go to the gym. I decided swimming would be more exotic than the stationary bike or erg machine so I opted for the pool.
1500m swim: approx. 40 min *Yeah, I know I am slow.
600m, 400m, 400m, 400m
(40m breath stroke rest btwn. intervals)
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate swimming. I am not a rhythmic breather and find that having to regulate my breathing in between strokes requires more strategy and patience than I am equipped with. I will admit over the last 2-3 weeks, I have improved from only being able to swim 4-6 laps without stopping to a full 20-30 laps. Trust me, it's not graceful but I am getting it done.
Pool running:
30 min moderate pace
Pool running or "aqua jogging" as some like to call it, is sometimes a struggle at the Merritt- DAC. Ideally, pool running would take place in the deep end of a pool (8-12ft). Unfortunately, the whole pool is only 4ft.
I found this link from a running website to be especially helpful as it provides specific pool workouts, other than just...running.
Post-workout nap: approx. 45 min
To me, this part of the workout is as essential as the workout itself. Cuddling with puppy is optional but highly encouraged to hasten recovery.
Civil Rights Museum and Ferguson
8 years ago
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