Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Track Workout @ Gilman
Rainy with mild chill
15min warm-up
1min recovery btwn intervals, 2min btwn sets
Ideally slightly faster than 5K target pace
10min cool down
80- 2:56-88
Felt surprisingly easy, considering I had raced hard on Sunday. I had eaten only an hour before running which was a bad chest felt pretty tight and I was wheezing slightly which I have never done before. Might attribute that to binge meal prior to running :(
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
No More Rain
Brief apparel anecdote- some essentials I can recommend from many inclement weather runs, include...
1) A beanie; I wear the UA movement beanie that is lined with a technical material that wicks moisture while the exterior keeps me warm and is soft. Doesn't appear that this model is still be available online, but this one is pretty close.
2) Gloves! I have an old pair of adidas running gloves that still do the trick. You don't necessarily need something over insulated as you do warm-up during workouts.
3) A Base Layer; On especially bitter morning runs, I make sure to wear a base layer top that fits tightly to my skin, providing additional insulation. The UA Inferno Hoodie might be a little flashy, especially with their new fall color waves, but it is extremely effective. The fit is tight, the neck is high, there are added thumb holes that trap in heat and a fabulous hood that give you that "speed skater look" but at least you are warm!
4) Spandex, leggings, compression tights; whatever you want to call them- they work. The UA ColdGear tight, featured here, is thicker than some of my tights but makes the difference in 40 degree temperatures.
Weather on Thursday and Friday were dismal and practice was nearly canceled. We were still able to get half the team out for a tough 3.5 mile tempo run Thursday and an easy 30-45 min on Friday. The cold, windy rain continued on into the weekend and didn't let up until Sunday afternoon.
Saturday, I somehow managed an 80 minute run, approx 11 miles. Made it to Druid Hill and the rain and wind picked up significantly. Made it around the reservoir twice, and headed back downtown; Rusty Scupper loop and back on Central. I was totally soaked but happy to have gotten the run out of the way.
Following an eventful farmer's market trip, ran about 4 miles; around the stadium loop and back through the harbor. Of course, the rain subsided as soon as I got home and changed into my comfy Sunday football watching gear.
Workout Summary:
Mon, 10/12- NOTHING!
Tues, 10/13- Track (4 miles)
Wed, 10/14- 30 min easy with XC team (4 miles)
Thurs, 10/15- 6x .6 mile loop w/ hill, tempo run with XC team (3.6 miles)
Fri, 10/16-35 min easy with XC team (4 miles)
Sat, 10/17- 80 min moderate pace (11 miles)
Sun, 10/18- 30 min moderate pace (4 miles)
31 miles
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Track is wack (in the dark)
Track workout, 10/13:
2mile warm up, drills
2x(400-300-200-100) 2min btwn. intervals, 5min btwn. sets
set 1: 67-48-32-14
set 2: 70-51-32-15
*track was chilly but felt good, t-shirt and shorts were fine*
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Baltimore Running Fest Success!

The race weekend I have most been looking forward to has come and gone; the Baltimore Running Festival is over :(
8:00 Mile 1, Mile 2, Mile 3 all suck. They were completely uphill, all I wanted was to get to Druid Hill, I knew there would be some decent downhills there. I tried not to look at my watch and just go on feel but I couldn't really help it. At Mile 3 I was at 20:20 or so? Blech. Mel and I tried to stay with the pack of full marathoners in front of us but these girls were rolling; running around 6:20 pace.
The rest of the leg was so so. All and all, I wasn't too disappointed, I mean our relay still won the coed division, but I would have liked to have been faster. I will blame it on the upper respiratory gunk.
Michele, the mega triathlete was visiting from LI for our relay and did a superb job on the third leg, one of the shorter but tougher legs. Jeff and Mike rounded out our guys and really stepped up, averaging under 6 min pace. Our finishing time was around 2:44. It blows my mind how many athletes are able to finish a full marathon faster than it takes four people to finish. The winning time was 2:14 for the men and 2:37 for the first woman; course record. WTF.
More detailed results can be found here.
The post-race festivities were great, only slightly dampened by the mist and slight rain. The runner finishing area was confusing. All race participants had different entry points. The relay members had to enter through the upper left hand Legg Mason entrance, marathoners through another, etc. It was a little excessive. The bottle neck at the exit was sort of annoying but there was no need to rush. There were so many people, the energy was great. Lots of happy finishers sipping on free beer and acceptable live music.
Looking forward to next year. To relay or not to relay?

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friends XC

Thursday, September 10, 2009
NO Excuses...
Lots of great fairly local races are upon us this Fall...
Army 10 miler - Oct. 4
Baltimore Running Festival - Oct. 11
Marine Corps Marathon - Oct. 25
Philadelphia Marathon - Nov. 18
Richmond Marathon - Nov. 14
I actually have a vague race plan over the coming weeks/months. This is a first for me as I mostly sign up for races on a whim and definitely not with much planning. I received a comped relay team entry to the Baltimore Team Relay at the running fest; each leg will run approx. 6-7 miles. I also was given an entry for the MCM 10K race by Aetna. Should be a good tune-up for the Richmond Half, which is what I have decided to run now that the Philly Half is sold out. Dammit! It's been a while since I have been to Richmond. It's a neat city with lots of pretty cobblestone streets, kitchy diners and hipster dive bars. A lot like Baltimore, in fact- should be fun!
Also signed up for my first Sprint Tri this Saturday (Oct 3) I am decently prepared...sorta? At least I have all the equipment I'll need. With the exception of a wetsuit which I should be renting from TriSpeed later this week. I hope to just make it through the race...under 1:3o would be great. We will see.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Updated Workouts/Race Schedule...
Some highlights as of the last week or so include-
Workout: Saturday, 8/8
1 mile warm up
6 mile tempo run ( alternating 1 mile @ 6:30-7/pace, 1 mile @ 6-6:30 pace)
1 mile cool down
Workout: Sunday, 8/9
5.5 mile run (40min)
Workout: Monday, 8/10
AM Swim @ Merritt-DAC
400m pull, 200m kick
PM Run w/ Fed Hill Runners
8 miles (62 min)
Workout: Tuesday, 8/11
20min warm up
12x400, 81-83 high (on the 2:15)
15 min cool down
approx 6 miles?
Race Schedule:
I have been contemplating potential upcoming races and plan on using this Sundays, Nick Markakis-Right Side Foundation 5K Run as a "fitness assesment" to see where I am...It is a Back on My Feet event, so it'll be good to finally do a race with them :)
Me and a couple of the original McVets BOMF residential members- Arnold,Terrel and Tate.
Arnold will be competing in his first marathon at the Baltimore Running Festival this October.
I also was just informed that I won the Under Armour lottery for a comped entry to any of the Baltimore Running festival events. I need to determine whether or not I can get a competitive relay together that are interested in competing in UA gear (I assume ALL would be-but my concern is participants willingness to switch shoes for a race...) If I can't get a solid group together, I will most likely run the 5K or just suck it up and do the half. Although, I had intentions of running the Philadelphia Half which would ensure a faster time. Ahh! Too many decisions...
Oh yeah, still need to decide if I am going to do a Sprint Tri.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Thursday Night open water swims
Open Water swims
Thursdays until its cold...
Gunpowder Falls State Park, Hammerman area
Thursday, July 30, 2009
To Buy or Rent...

Thinking of taking my first cycling excursion this weekend. Might as well since the plan is to sign-up for the General Smallwood Tri in September; it might be helpful to practice riding a bike beyond spinning, before the big day...
I decided before I buy any new ridiculously priced bike equipment, I figured I would rent everything just to test the proverbial waters. I telephoned Light Street Cycles in Federal Hill and got pricing on a day rental...$50 and it includes a helmet. Hmph. Yes, it is expensive for one measly day of riding but since I can't commit to anything just yet, and I don't know anyone my size that I could borrow a bike from, I figure this is my best option.
The woman seemed really nice and told me about their "bike fitting process" as well, which happens to be another additional charge. How conveeeeeenient. That's okay though cause if I do buy from them, the fitting price will ultimately go towards the bike purchase. Or I can pay for the fitting and take the measurements she gives me to another shop and buy something used, or try and find something that fits me on ebay, craigslist, etc? Lots of options...not very much money unfortunately.
Sports with limitless equipment options makes preparation difficult. I don't want to take the penny pincher route per say because I would like to do well and I equate doing well with having appropriate equipment; not for instance, riding a beach cruiser instead of a road bike. I don't like over thinking things when it comes to training either. I find flying by the seat of my pants to be the most effective training option because I have no obligations to myself and end up just doing things that are fun! But with multisports, you have to plan everything in order to make time for each discipline! Ahhh! Reminds me of my college days as a heptathlete; lifting/throwing sessions, hurdling/sprinting intervals, jumping drills, tempo runs for the 800. You had to make time for everything! I would never have competed in that event if I had to actually buy all the equipment for it, that's for sure. A Javelin alone can be close to $400! I also don't want to be "that guy" that is a sub par performer but has top of the line gear, so I figure I'll start small and build as I see fit.
B&A Trail is the proposed route for Sunday- from Bmore to Naptown. Approx 16 each way- probably a bit presumptuous of me for my first official ride. I'll take it easy though, just want to say I DID it.
Workout: 7/29
AM 2 mile run with BOMF
PM "recovery" run with Chrissie (60 min)
**recovery for Chrissie, ass kicking for me :)
Workout: 7/30
AM Swim @ Merritt- DAC
400yd warm up
3x (100yd kickboard drills, 300yd swim)
approx 1600yd workout
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Track is Back!
My goal was to at least run the 800's in 3:00 and the 400's in 80. I thought that was a stretch but I wouldn't be too embarrassed with those kinds of times having had so much time off. After the first 800, I felt surprisingly good...came through with the girls around 2:54? so under my 3:00 goal-phew. The 400's were a breeeeze, which REALLY threw me for a loop. I figured I would have next to NO turnover but ended up feeling really comfortable with a quicker tempo. I went 75, 74 for the 400's in this set.
Following set I sat on the 800 and ran another 2:55. This was a bit harder, telling me that I probably have some more anaerobic work to do, since the things I have been doing have been pretty slow and steady. I came back for the remaining 400's and ran with the boys to try and bring my time down a smidge. First was at 74, second came through the 200 in 35? and finished in 67 and still felt pretty good...except for the nausea that followed. No vomiting though :)
Really surprised and happy with how Tuesday Night at the Track turned out. Perhaps I will make a habit of this if the foot stays in the clear. Only setback is I have around 3 hours to kill from work to track. Sometimes that can lead to napping and subsequently not showing up to the track. I intend to fight the inclination to nap.
Workout: 7/28
AM Swim
400 warm up
3x100 tempo
400 cool down
PM Track workout (5 miles)
2 mile warm up
2x (800-400-400)
1 mile cool down
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Weekend Wrap-up
Workout: 7/17
PM Pool workout @ Merritt- DAC
PM Lifting w/ group @ Merritt DAC
Jerks (2-3/set) @ 55K?
Sat was interesting...woke up early and helped a couple friends out at a race they were coordinating down by the harbor. It was hilarious. A convention of nurses from the Philippines held a moral boosting "5K" that circled Rash field about 10 times. Epic. A really good time nonetheless. I was the best lap counter ever...or not. Followed my volunteer work up with a nice mild run.
Workout: 7/18
60 min run, easy/mild
A bunch of the other Bawlmore runners headed to Rockville for the Twilight 8K. Chrissie won on the women's side, but everyone had stellar performances. Baltimore represent! See more in depth reporting via Ryans blog.
Hit up Artscape. Eh...Heard but did not see Cake.
Workout: 7/19
Pool swim @ Merritt-DAC
400m warm up
10x200yd interval, 1 min recovery (@3:30)
400m cool down
Friday, July 17, 2009
Weekend Races...
Artscape is this weekend too athletic events to report on taking place in tandem with the festival. It would be neat though if they hosted a 5K or something; and everyone would be encouraged to wear artistic outfits and ridiculous makeup, etc. The perfect intersection of art and sport. With Bmore being so cycling inclined, there could be a bike-friendly component too with decorative bikes?
Workout Back tracking
Workout: 7/14
AM Spin class @ DAC- Merritt
PM Swim, 4x400yard repeats- 2x400 w/pull buoy, 2x400 w/out
Wednesday's swim was great. Using the buoy and drilling a bit more really forces emphasis on my stroke and removes the variables of my erratic kicking. I tried to maintain the smooth strokes without the buoy and was more successful this time than previous. I decided I like the DAC pool more than some of the others, mostly because its shorter (20yds) and the water is shallow (3ft or so). Does shallow water make a difference when swimming? Maybe...
Workout: 7/15
AM short run w/ BOMF-McVet's group, 2 miles
PM run w/ Iggie's Running Club, approx 5 miles?
I felt really crappy the first 10 min of the run with the Iggie's foot was clicking and shooting sporatic pains up the lateral side like it was doing before. Somehow after 10 minutes or so, it kinda subsided and I was able to finish the run. Subconsciously, I think I might be changing my form a bit to compensate but nothing else is subsequently hurting so I should be okay for now.
Workout: 7/16
Oh wait...I didn't do anything. Lazy day. I did cook dinner though. Pork tenderloin, wild rice and creamed spinach.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I can run!
Monday 7/13 workout:
35-40 min with the group
20 min on my own (commute to and from Fed Hill)
Trust me, I was lucky to be hitting 8 min pace- I was wary of any tweaks of the ankle not to mention it was hella hot. Either way, I was sooooo siked to be out there with my other runners again! Yay! Followed run with 30 min of lifting. Not very productive but figured I might as well hit the gym since I haven't in a while.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Santa Monica Ocean Swim

2x 500yard swim
30 min run
These pictures don't seem to do the Ocean Swim speed circuit I attended this morning any justice...
I somehow managed to make it out to Santa Monica this morning for my first open water swim; thanks Mom for the ride. Me and about 75 other crazies met on the Ocean Park beach in Santa Monica at 6:15AM for their weekly ocean swim speed circuit consisting of a 500 yard out and back swim. Course found here. Upon arrival and assessing the sheer magnitude of the event, I got really nervous. I was ill prepared being a novice to this whole triathlon realm- I did not have a wetsuit OR a cap. Oh well, that meant I could just sit back and observe instead of taking part...
The group slowly makes their way over to the lifegaurd stand where an LA Tri Club group leader of sorts made some announcements about the circuit and encourages all to "have fun". At this point, I was pretty sure I was going to bail. I mustered up the courage to ask the speaker if...he had an extra cap? I knew for safety reasons, the club asked that all swimmers swim with a cap to ensure others are able to see you in the water. He didn't have one but was gracious enough to announce to the whole group that I didn't have one and asked if anyone had an extra. Sure enough, Sue, an experienced older woman was glad to loan me one. Great. That means I'm going to have to do this now...
Sans wetsuit, I made my way into the water. The tide was low so it was a smooth transition getting into the water. Surprisingly, the water was warm- A LOT warmer than the day prior up north in Ventura. Thank goodness. I started spazzing out pretty much right away and completely forgot how to breathe while swimming. I would bring my head out of the water to look ahead of me and would breathe out and then breathe in once my head was back in the water...umm obviously that's wrong. It took me sometime to find a rhythm and after I talked myself out of turning around, I was finished with my first loop! I was so excited! What a feeling of accomplishment. I decided to try another one just for good measure and this was a bit smoother but still encountered some rather large swigs of salt water; it was well worth it. Overall a phenomenal experience.
The group couldn't have been more inviting and the environment was exactly what I needed. After the swim, I joined a small group of runners for a 30 min out and back run down to the pier, across the bridge and down a nice dirt path. My feet felt ok but I was extra sore from the barefoot beach running I had attempted the day prior in Ventura. My calfs have yet to loosen up. youch.
I just can't get over the community of athletically inclined participants in the LA area. It is a beautiful thing to look around and see other people interested in the same things you are. Everyone I talked to was so supportive and super encouraging. I only hope to find a network of swimmers and cyclists like that in Baltimore.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
California Update
Workout: 7/4
30 min "test" run
So I'm now in Long Beach, California for the week and am enjoying some down time with my mom. Arrived just in time for the 4th of July festivities, good food, good company and a decent display of fireworks from the Queen Mary on the beach. Made time for a 3o min run before the evening festivities. This was my first run after my cortisone shot administered 48 hours prior. Things were feeling better...until I ran. At this point, I have been told that the only option after the cortisone is to go in and scope. Whatever. If the MRI shows nothing, then there is nothing and I need to just suck it up and run. So that's what I did. After about 10 minutes or so, I have a couple steps in a row where the area under my ankle will send a sharp pang that resonates through my ankle. If I adjust my foot enough to the point where I am almost supnating then I am good. At least I still remember how to run? Oh and I am ridiculously sore from running; impact on my quads is much more significant than pool running...obviously.
Workout: 7/5
20 min SLOW morning jog
2,000yd swim @ JCC-Long Beach
Run was near painless, but last 5-7 minutes I had a couple jolts or so around my ankle. Immediately iced. Swim was blah. Shared a lane with a slightly older goober who splashed a lot but was a fairly strong swimmer. Finally had to swap out when another lane opened, I blame him for all the water I swallowed.
During my stay in LBC, I have the privilege of using the JCC as my training hub :) My mom works there so its super convenient and relatively free! There are group classes throughout the week that I plan on taking (spinning/yoga), not to mention a 25yd outdoor pool. Rumor has it, there is also a yoga facility in the immediate area that holds free classes throughout the week. I will be doing some investigating and hope to attend a class or two.
Projected athletically-inclined activities...
I plan on making an overnight trip to Santa Barbara tomorrow afternoon and may be so inclined to take a surfing lesson? We will see, I might just prefer a couple sun bathing intervals and body surfing.
On Wednesday, according to the LA Tri Club website, there is an Ocean speed circuit in the AM in Santa Monica. Supposedly there is usually a substantial turn out(over 100 participants) for these workouts which means I can blend in easily, that way no one can critique my inferior swimming skills. They set up a 500m out and back swim and a running portion so athletes can do swim/run intervals of sorts...we'll see if I can make it through more than one set. ha. Here's a gmap of the loop. Afterwards, we plan on making a stop at the new Triathlon Lab- Santa Monica location that opened this past Saturday.
That's all that's on the agenda thus far. If anyone can think of anything else I should do while I'm out here, sport related or not, lemme know! For now, just more pinkberry and lots of naps.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
sloooooooooow. (approx 39 min?) Why am I still so slow!?
Slept through AM spinning. Ugh. Busy Afternoon. Made it to the pool briefly following Italian market shopping spree and pit stop at the local grocery. When I swam, I seriously felt like I was sinking. Things were not nearly as fluid as the last time I was in the water. My rhythm was just blech. Trying not to get discouraged for the time being...foot is feeling exactly the same; I am so over this boot.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Workout: 6/30
First morning class at the Merritt, loved the instructor, Shana. How does one summon that much energy and enthusiasm at 6AM? Well however she does it, she was very inspiring and led a 60 minute actually 50 for me ( I had to leave early to get to work) of intense spinning. I wore my new "tri shorts" purchased at the Philly Tri expo this past weekend and loved them. I had noticed some irritation from wearing just regular running shorts while cycling and decided to splurge on a pair of Zoot shorts. They aren't the most flattering but certainly made a difference in the seat.
PM Workout: 30 min tempo pool run
Eh. Still not the same as actually running.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Workout: 6/29
800m warm up
1,000m workout- 10x100m sprint (approx 2min, w/ 30 min recovery)
400m cool down
I am a slow swimmer. There is no denying it. warm up was fine, it took me less than 20 minutes to swim 800m but honestly that should take me like 10 min not almost 20. I'm getting there...
The intervals were tricky for sure. In a 20 yard pool, I have to do 5 laps to equal 100yds and the clock at the DAC pool is broken. That being said, I can't get an official time of each interval since I finish on the opposite side of the pool than my watch. Oh well. I find that as I become more fatigued during "sprints", I start breathing erratically which subsequently makes it harder. As I turn (NOT a flip turn) I notice I push off the wall while holding my breath, and upon every breath I take, I hold my breath for a couple seconds once my head is submerged again. The rythym during faster swims is not quite there yet.
MRI tonight
Philly Tri Weekend
I definitely have respect for this "sport". I only put quotations because its sort of a fusion of sports creating another sport? Strange...but compelling nonetheless. There are so many unique nuances to the sport that I knew nothing about before; like the complexities of transitions, people take their bike shoes off while still ON the bike before their dismount...the drafting rules, etc...the apparel, there is SO much that goes into the apparel for these sports. With running, all I really need is a sports bra and sneakers; to train for a Tri you need like thousands of dollars worth of equipment. The amount of accessories and perceived necessities make becoming a "tri geek" almost inevitable. Ha.
Friday, June 26, 2009
6/26: Lunch Workout
3x (5 chin ups, 10 hanging leg lifts)
5x (10 overhead squats w/ bar-45lbs, 5 russian deadlift)
2x10 (straight arm lift- front, straight arm lift-side, butterfly lift, curl and press-all 10lb dumbells)
2x10 hanging push-ups?
Quick and easy lifting regimen, just to get something in as I will not have time to get anything done this afternoon. I'm off to Philadelphia to watch my friend rock the Philly Tri! Woo hoo!
Beastly Begley Kills 10,000m @ USATF Nat'ls

More official results from yesterday's prelims and finals found here.
USA Track & Field Nationals!

June 25-28, 2009
University of Oregon-Hayward Field
Eugene, Oregon
TV Schedule:
ESPN, June 26, 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. ET
ESPN, June 27, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. ET
NBC, June 28, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. ET
Stud Profile:

More information and athlete preview can be found on the USATF site.
6/25: Workout
5x400m @ 8 min
30min pool run @ effort, last 5 min w/out belt
I am now wearing a boot on my right foot so I am forcing myself to be extra vigilant in not putting extra stress on my foot. That includes no biking, erging and the obvious-running. Therefore I am back to the pool! I decided to split up the mile swim that I am now able to accomplish, into intervals so I could try working on "picking up the pace"...which is a relative expression when you are swimming at the pace of an 80 year old woman. Intervals went well, felt smooth and breathing has been much more consistent as of late. Yes!
The Pool run was fine. Unless I am actively ramping intensity up and down during intervals, I feel like I'm not really accomplishing anything. Hopefully my heartrate was up a bit, definitely removing the water belt the last 5 minutes made it difficult. At that point, form was not a factor :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
6/23: Workout
I swam my first mile without stopping! Huge breakthrough for me. I was able to regulate my breathing and RELAAAAAX. It definitely wasn't physically demanding but surely was an accomplishment in my book.
Lunch Crossfit Workout:
8x deep squats for 20 sec, 10 sec off (in squat position)
8x push ups for 2o sec, 10 sec off (in plank position)
3x kettle bells with 25 lbs for 40 sec, 20 sec off
3x Squat, Push Press with 45 lb bar, 4o sec, 20 sec off
3x Horizontal pull-up for 40 sec, 20 sec off
First two exercises were intense with such short rest in active position and so many sets. I think the quality of the sets would have been higher if there were less sets or not active time off in between sets. The lighter weight but non-stop reps felt good for muscle endurance but was definitely a challenge. I love feeling like I got a legit workout done in just 30 minutes; to me, that in itself is one of the strengths of crossfit. You are in and out and feel like you accomplish a hell of a lot. I just wish form was stressed more with their workouts. It tends to be more brawn then grace, leading to a musculature I've observed to be more bulky then defined. Food for thought :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Feedback: UA Revenant Trainers

With all of my foot contraptions (insert, wedge, etc.) I am having trouble fitting my foot in the shoe, mostly because of the limitations of the foot sleeve. I like the tongue of a shoe to be able to seperate from the shoe itself, but sometimes this can cause pinching or tongue slipping under laces.
I like the wide base, especially around the heel; this also contributes to the sturdy feeling. Cushioning is accomodating and not to over the top. They remind me of the Apparitions in feel but with a little more control. The ultimate test would be to actually RUN in them...soon enough I hope. Gotta stay positive!
Workout: 6/22
15 min warm up
3x(1 min ON/1 min OFF/1:30 ON, 1 min OFF)
10 min kickboard
I typically wear a water belt for any pool running but decided to remove it for my last set of intervals. I must admit, it became a bit more challenging; especially in a shallow pool.
Kickboard drills were a joke, it's hilarious how absolutely WRONG I do all of these swim related activities.
Fitness Yoga class @ Merritt Canton
meh. I love love love going to class with my gym buddies but this one really didn't float my boat. Yoga Steve, the Merrit Canton instructor is pretty much a big football-type that leads you through a "fitness" related yoga session. In essence, he removes any grace or fluidity of yoga from the practice and it becomes sort of meathead-ish. Very approachable for guys who wouldn't necessarily be into yoga but in this context may give it a try.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Workout: 6/21
Not much time for exercise when factoring in Farmer's Market and Father's Day excursion in DC. Somehow made it to Merritt-Fort Avenue for their only cycling class of the day- 9:30AM. Esther, our instructor, took us through a ridiculous hour long ride up and down 3 outlandish inclines with a fair amount of sprints sprinkled throughout. This is only my second full cycling class and I still have a lot to learn. My tush is especially sore, supposedly it may take some time for my bootie to adjust to the seat sensation. Depending on how much longer I am confined to the bike and pool, I may invest in some appropriate apparel, like fancy bike shorts with really hot butt pads.
I highly highly highly recommend this class as Esther is one tough cookie. Her accent is adorable but hard to understand when things get intense. That just makes it that much more challenging!
Soggy 10 Miler Results

To us spectators, the race seemed to be a success. Corrigan Sports did a nice job of hosting the event, even with the uninvited moisture. Everyone that finished seemed relatively happy...except that everyone's GPS devices noted the race distance as 10.25 miles. Hmm...I later came to find out that the course had definitely been marked incorrectly with the turn around point being much too far. Oh well. It happens but that can be pretty frustrating when you are picking up the pace thinking you are kicking it into the finish when in actuality you have an extra quarter mile you didn't know about.
The hospitality/post-race area was nicely set up. Everyone seemed to love their premium zip-up windbreaker hoodie thing. Supposedly, Runner's World ranked the 10 miler's premium as one of the best? Seemed to fit a tad large.
The BOMF participants that ran did great. Being so new to running, you would think some of the runners would have gone out too fast or would not have appropriately paced themselves. Quite the contrary, both Kevin and Arnold were conservative during the first 5 miles and stayed consistent until the finish. I feel a marathon coming on...
Workout: 6/20
1500m swim: approx. 40 min *Yeah, I know I am slow.
600m, 400m, 400m, 400m
(40m breath stroke rest btwn. intervals)
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate swimming. I am not a rhythmic breather and find that having to regulate my breathing in between strokes requires more strategy and patience than I am equipped with. I will admit over the last 2-3 weeks, I have improved from only being able to swim 4-6 laps without stopping to a full 20-30 laps. Trust me, it's not graceful but I am getting it done.
Pool running:
30 min moderate pace
Pool running or "aqua jogging" as some like to call it, is sometimes a struggle at the Merritt- DAC. Ideally, pool running would take place in the deep end of a pool (8-12ft). Unfortunately, the whole pool is only 4ft.
I found this link from a running website to be especially helpful as it provides specific pool workouts, other than just...running.
Post-workout nap: approx. 45 min

Friday, June 19, 2009
Workout: 6/19
From Crossfit:
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Handstand push-ups 5 reps
Bench press 135 pounds, 10 reps
Push press 95 pounds, 15 reps
Dips 20 reps
Uhh...I decided on a variation of this as this was a little upper body/bicep heavy. It hurt.
Revised workout:
Handstand alternating shoulder touches, 25
Bench press 65 lbs, 10 reps
Push press 45 lbs, 15 reps
deep squats no weight, 20 reps
Completed approx. 6 sets in 20 min.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Apparition Signage
6/20: Baltimore 10 Miler

I plan on still being there to cheer on a couple friends and fellow Back on My Feet members. The residential members have progressed from running 1 mile with significant effort to training for a 10 miler! These runners have really stepped up their game. It's amazing to witness such significant development from runners who would never have classified themselves as runners 3 months ago.

Enjoy the races!
pics courtesy of Baltimore 10 miler
6/21: ITU Championship Series in DC

Americans to look out for include 2008 Olympic 4th place finisher, Laura Bennett and World Silver medalist Sarah Haskins to name a few.
More detailed competitor information can be found on the ITU official site.
The schedule is as follows:
9:00AM Elite Mens Group Swim waves begin
11:00AM Elite Mens Group finishes
11:45AM Elite Womens Group Swim waves begin
2:00PM Elite Womens Group finishes
Course map can be found here.
I think I might stop by to watch since I plan on being in DC anyway for Father's Day. It'll be good to familiarize myself with race flow as I will be attending the Philly Triathlon next Sunday, June 28th to watch a close friend compete in.
pic courtesy of

These days, I try to get involved with anything and everything related to fitness and overall wellness. I am constantly seeking new ways to workout; we all know the gym can get a bit monotonous. Hope you enjoy my daily workoutaholic dribble.
Happy Reading!